Tuesday, 6 January 2015

5 Influential Books You Should Read In 2015

There is no magic to being knowledgeable and resourceful in the mind. If you have ever wondered why that person knows so much or why that person seem to smart in a lot of ways, go no further- READING.

Its a new year and a very smart resolution to make is to read more than you read last year. Well, I have it on my resolution list, it would pay of if you have it on yours too. With this in mind, here are five great books you should read this year.

1. Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman
A brilliant book that offers insight into our "two minds"- the rational and the emotional and how the two together shape our destiny.

2. Outliers- Malcolm Gladwell

An amazing book that takes you on an intellectual journey through the world of the most successful, most famous and the best. This book will definitely transform your understanding of success.

3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective people- Stephen R Covey

Your life doesn't just happen, Its designed by you, your CHOICES!  This book reveals principles that gives us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

4. Acres of Diamond- Russell H. Conwell
Among many other insights, this book will challenge you to seek opportunities to find true wealth right in your own backyard without getting sidetracked by selfishness and greed.

5. Man's search for true meaning- Viktor E. Frankl

"We cannot avoid suffering but we can cope with it, find meaning in it and move forward with renewed purpose".

These are five great books on my list. Do you have other great ones you want to suggest? Feel free to comment!

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